Workout from hell…

8:55 pm on Saturday, January 31, 2004

DDRWe were at the local mall last night after dinner and my wife expressed interest in Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix for our Xbox. I know you’ve seen this game at places like Dave and Busters or your local arcade. It’s the game where you have to stomp your feet in the direction the screen points while keeping with the beat. Not something I was ever interested in because I don’t dance. We tried EB who said they were all sold out of the game. All they had was the mat. We wandered over to Gamefellas and all they had was the game but no mats. We bought the game there and went back to EB and bought the mat.

Once we got home we hooked it up so she could have a go at it. All I’ve got to say is my wife is very white. If you’ve seen The Jerk, he’s John Travolta compared to my wife. She just could not keep the beat. After she tried it a couple times I decided to get up there and give it a shot. Dear Lord it’s hard. I did do better than she did though. The game is kind of neat in that it has a “Workout Mode”. You enter in your weight and it keeps track of your calories burned. All I know is that after a few times of playing it my calves were burning like hell.

I dropped in Tetris to see what it was like. It was very interesting getting a workout playing Tetris but it is still playable once your feet figure out what the hell you’re doing.

My iPod is Playing: Son Of A Son Of A Sailor from the album “You Had To Be There – Disk 1” by Jimmy Buffett

1 Comment


Comment by James

2004/03/17 @ 22:22

I have downloaded the Workout from Hell three different times. I workout then slack off. Nothing (and I mean nothing) has proven more effective to getting an out of shape person back into shape like this workout! I’m 42 and have climbed 44 state highpoints and have been able to conquer the BIG ONES (14,000 footers) because of this devestating but effective routine. Get through Phase I and your body will come alive! I’m glad this info is still on the net. Make it count–Do it–and go for those peaks baby!

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