Most painful upgrade evar!!!11one!eleven1!!

1:41 pm on Sunday, June 6, 2004

Had a couple hours of free time last night so I decided to finally upgrade the linux server at home. It was running SuSE 8.0Pro so it was a bit behind the times and I was looking for some new functionality and I thought upgrading the whole box to SuSE 9.1Pro would be easier then upgrading just the bits I wanted. Boy was I wrong. I started the upgrade around 8pm. I gave up about 5am and went to bed with a partially functioning server. It was at least receiving mail, its most important function.

The part that was giving the most trouble was Apache2 and PHP. SuSE in their infinite wisdom decided to disable mysql access from PHP in 9.1. WTF? I’ll bring that up the next time I see a SuSE developer walking around work. After about 5 hours of wrestling and searching I gave up and removed all the Apache2 and PHP rpms and compiled Apache 1.3 and PHP from scratch. Now it works as it should. I know I should never trust rpms and real men use gentoo. I just want shit to work. I don’t want to spend days compiling and tweaking just to get the basics running.

iTunes is Playing: Dance of the Hours from the album “Cartoon Classics” by Panchielli

1 Comment


Comment by mrbill

2004/06/06 @ 15:22

I setup a “remote backup” server here at home last night. OpenBSD 3.5, a P3-700 with a 40G HD and 256M RAM. Including compiling bash, coreutils, gnu make and tar, basic CPAN module stuff, etc, and installing SnapBack2 for rotating snapshots, it took me an hour. 🙂

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