Old people…

11:00 pm on Saturday, September 11, 2004

I ran down to the supermarket this afternoon to grab a couple things. As I walked in I got stuck behind this old man trying to pick out the perfect basket from the pile. It seemed he required the handle to be perfectly centered and symmetrical. Whatever. Once he finally picked one I grabbed one and scooted past him.

As I passed him he said: ‘Hey, you can’t come in here barefoot’.
Me: ‘Really? Where’s the sign? I do it all the time’
Him: ‘It’s a state law’
Me: ‘Ok, sure. What statute covers being barefoot in a grocery store?’
Him: ‘Um, I dunno.’
Me: ‘Well if you don’t know how can you tell me it’s state law?’ (BTW, there is no such law)

I walked off.

If I get old and start getting into other people’s business, someone, please shoot me.

iTunes is Playing: Midnight Special from the album “Shout On: Lead Belly Legacy, Vol. 3” by Leadbelly

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