Spam is outta control…

9:18 pm on Sunday, November 7, 2004

…but I’m getting a better handle on it.

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of ‘Rolex’, or R0lex, or is it R0|e}{, spam lately. Spamassassin has been good for me the past few years but the spammers are getting better at tuning spam to get past it. Normally the spam cutoff is a ‘5’. They’ve got things tuned to come in at 4.5. I’ve dropped my cutoff to 4.5 and that’s helped a bit but not enough. It was time to get more drastic. I’ve now invoked Postfix’s ability to do header and body checks on incoming mail and reject it before it even gets in to the server. I’ve spent the last day or so coming up with regex’s like c[|i][@a][|l][1i|]s and v[1i|][a@]gr[a@] to catch every possible (mis)spelling of whatever drug they’re pushing. The war just keeps escalating.

iTunes is Playing: Double Team from the album “Tenacious D” by Tenacious D

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