Is it wrong…

11:54 am on Tuesday, January 25, 2005

…that I find hippies getting OC spray applied directly to their eyeballs funny as hell?

Listen for great quotes such as, “THIS IS A DEATH SQUAD!”, and (to a cop)”would you do this to your daughter?” (cop)”Nah. My daughter’s not an idiot”.

Watch for a girl with a mustache named Spring and a chick named “Bonka”.

It’s gets even funnier when the hippie gets flattened by a falling tree. I guess that tree was sick of being hugged and decided to take out the nearest thing that smelled like patchouli. Really, how tough is it to get out of the way of a falling tree? Two steps to either side and you’re clear. I guess self-preservation wasn’t that guy’s best trait.

I seriously admire the restraint showed by all the cops in that video. The hippies claim they are being tortured even after the cops explain to them what they’re going to do and why. It’s for the safety of the hippies. Nothing more, nothing less.

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