Diet news…

12:19 pm on Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I’m still working on losing weight. I’ve dropped 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. I can just barely tell it in my waistband. The great part is I haven’t really made much dietary change other than switching from regular Coke to diet. I’m normally a Coke man but Diet Coke tastes like ass to me. I’ve tried a lot of different sodas in the past couple weeks and, to me, the best of the diets are Diet Vanilla Pepsi and Diet Cherry Coke. I guess the extra flavoring covers the aftertaste a bit. As for other diet changes I still enjoy my normal food. I had pizza for dinner last night for example. I’ve cut back a bit on the snacking at work but not drastically. Between that and regular excersize the pounds are just dropping off.

I haven’t decided how much I want to lose. I’d like to drop a couple waist sizes I guess. I only have to drop one waist size to be where I was 10 years ago. Any smaller than that and I’ll be smaller than I was when I graduated high school.

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