Drug testing gone bad…

4:03 pm on Tuesday, January 25, 2005

If you know me, you know I’m against employee drug-testing. I’ve refused jobs in the past because I am against it. What I do on my own time is my business and no one else’s. I’ve argued with friends and family about it. One argument was, “Yes, they are only testing for illegal dug use. What about when they start testing you for legal things that might be bad for you like smoking and drinking?”

Well, it’s happening now. A company in Michigan is now testing their employees for cigarette use. If they are found to be using cigarettes, even on their own time away from work, they will be fired. They have so-far fired 4 employees for refusing the test. Will they start firing employees who are a bit overweight now? That’s more of a health risk than someone who fires up an occasional ciggie on the weekend.

“Hey, you with the Big Mac! You’re fired.”

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