Dreaming again…

12:04 pm on Sunday, January 30, 2005

My wife and I have wanted to find an old building for the longest time that we could restore. What is ideal for us is an old commercial buisness building where we could live upstairs and run a business on the lower floor. We found a building that we liked and toured yesterday. It’s an old bank in a town near here. It was built in 1880. The interior was in pretty rough shape but that was fine to us as we want to do the restoration ourselves. The 3rd floor had been a pigeon roost for the past 5 years and was nasty as hell. Almost all the windows on the upper floor were gone also.

The building is currently being used to film a movie called Every Word is True. It’s about the life of Truman Capote and will star Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock, and Gwyneth Paltrow. The film crew has a lot of work on their hands to get it in shape as they are to start filming in 3 weeks.

It’d take a lot of work and money to get to even near livable shape. We’ll keep looking as there are other possibilities around. This isn’t the only building we looked at, just the most architecturally interesting.

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