Tests and tests…

11:03 pm on Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I finally got my results back from my tests from last week. Everything was totally normal. It was either stress or possibly just a pulled chest muscle or something. As far as my ticker, it’s in perfect health. Yeah, I could lose a few pounds to be healthier and I have lost 10-12 over the last few weeks to that end. The docs now at least have a baseline on me for later in life. I’ll still have to watch out for problems later in life but right now, no worries. 🙂
I’ve felt fine since then and feel even better now that I’ve done my 3rd interview for the Iraq job. I think I’ve had a decent showing in them. I really want the job as I feel it’s the best thing for my family and they do things that are cool as hell that I also am interested in. The waiting to hear about the job is the hardest part. Not knowing if/when my contract where I am now will end does put stress on things. If I can find the right position with the right company everything would be much nicer.

1 Comment

Comment by christine

2005/06/23 @ 19:31

In 1999 I was waking up in the middle of the night having what I thought were heart attacks. I’d be at work and feel like I was going to pass out — I was short of breath, shooting pains. Went to hospital twice in a week. My doctor ordered a similar set of stress tests for me.

Anxiety was the diagnosis, my heart was great. My job was making me mental.

I won’t ignore chest pains in the future, but I quit my job in 2000 and haven’t experienced anything similar.

Good luck with the job. You may be anxious, and not really know it. Our bodies do crazy stuff to us when we think we have it all under control.

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