July 4th report…

10:45 am on Tuesday, July 5, 2005

We had an awesome 4th this year. We invited a bunch of folks over to help us celebrate and shoot off fireworks. Of everyone we know in the Austin area we are the only ones that live where fireworks are still legal. Damn you, Austin, and your anti-fireworks codes.
We made up a batch or 5 of homemade wontons, a favorite with all our friends, and fried them up. We had those along with borrowing our friend John’s industrial margarita machine. 400 wontons and 5 gallons of margaritas can help make for a decent party. After I got done frying up wontons in our nifty frier, that was given to us by a close friend to encourage us to make more wontons, most of us went out back and sat around while a few folks played bocce ball on my lumpy back lawn.
We ended up having 22 people show up before dark. Once it got dark enough we went out in the street out front to start the fun. We had somewhere over $700 in fireworks to shoot off and had a blast doing it. Only one minor injury, one scare, and a small fire in a neighbor’s tree. 🙂 We had everything from sparklers to 2 1/2″ mortars. Something for everyone.
This was the most people we’ve ever had at one of our 4th parties and it grows every year as more people find out there are still places around here that allow Americans to blow shit up to celebrate our Independence. Sadly I have no pics of the fun as I still haven’t replaced my camera that got crushed 2 weeks ago.

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