only in Austin…

4:23 pm on Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I was coming to work today and stopped at a light behind a Ford Explorer. It had the typical pot-smoking hippy bumper stickers you see all over town. You know the ones, the W in the red circle, Hillary 2008, etc. Typical Democratic BS.

The clincher was this one:
SUVs promote terrorism

I’ll give you a second to go back and read what kind of car that was on again.

Really insightful bumper sticker there, moron.

1 Comment

Comment by christine

2005/08/20 @ 10:12

a lot of these jackasses don’t think that ford explorers are SUVs. They see hummers and LAND ROVERS (gasp!) as SUVs… but not THEIR cars.

my pickup truck gets 14 miles to the gallon. My VW Passat gets about 24. The passat is more expensive to fill because it uses ultra/premium gas. that pisses me off. my stupid job won’t let me telcommute part time to save on the trip, so I spent 35 dollars this week alone on gas.


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