Just what I needed…more stress…

2:54 pm on Friday, August 26, 2005

Remember the heart stress tests I took a few months ago? Well, the insurance company decided they weren’t going to cover that and now I’ve got a bill for nearly $500 sitting here. Well, there goes the money from the Defender.

Isn’t that the way it always works? You get a little ahead and then the Money Fairy gets word and says “No you don’t. I’ll take that” and kicks you in the nuts and takes your cash. I picture the Money Fairy to be exactly like Carol Kane as the Ghost of Christmas Present in Scrooged with Bill Murray. She gets a sick joy out of beating you up when you hope for/expect her to help you out.

1 Comment

Comment by christine

2005/08/26 @ 17:01

fight it. Have your primary care physician, who I presume sent you for it, kick their asses.

find out how to make the money fairy serve you. Kick their asses. Fight them. Those shitheads.

My son’s most recent physical (well child) was rejected by the insurance company, so I got a bill for that. Called them and yelled. Found out they put in that he was 18, not 8. so he wasn’t covered. called PCP. they fixed. Took a few weeks, but it was all resolved and all are happy.

that’s all we can ask. let us know how you make out.

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