No Tooth Fairy?

9:03 am on Wednesday, December 13, 2006

This weekend I was awakened by my wife and son saying he had a tooth almost out. It had to be pulled before he could eat because it was hurting so bad. So, in my bleary-eyed semi-conscious state I wandered into the bathroom with them and got out the string.
“Ok, I’m going to count to three. One.” Pop! Out it came. Ok, out came most of it. It broke in half. A bit later I got a hold of the rest with the string and removed it too. Lots of blood but no whining about pain. Damn, I’m good.
This was all on Sunday morning. This morning my wife goes in to wake him up and he says, “Good morning, Tooth Fairy Mom.” She looked at him puzzled. He then explained that after we tucked him in he got up and finally, 3 days later, put his tooth under his pillow and it was still there this morning. My wife was caught off guard and didn’t know what to say.
He figured out a way to set a trap for us and executed it flawlessly. Clever kid. I think he’s pretty much figured out the guy in the red suit too. I didn’t think we’d make it through this Christmas but we hoped it’d last one more year.

1 Comment

Comment by Joey Cruz

2007/01/21 @ 5:03

That’s a very sweet story and I got a kick out of it. Very smart boy you have there. It was a pleasure to read this.

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