Barenaked Concert

10:32 pm on Monday, November 13, 2006

I’ll keep it short because typing hurts too much.

Awesome. Ok, it was cold, cold, cold. The first cold front of winter rolled through the morning of the concert and temps were somewhere in the upper 40s/lower 50s during the show. The Backyard is a great venue but completely open to the weather. That fact has made BNL concerts hit and miss over the years. Of 4 appearances 2 have been cancelled for rain. Even with the cold the show was a blast. Lots of new stuff of course. Their rap about the The Backyard broke down into They Paved Paradise(and Put Up a Parking Lot). It was spot on and everyone broke down into laughter. I’ve seen many concerts there but it was the first since they built that monument to consumerism around it. It’s lost its appeal, its soul. It’s no longer a little stage in the middle of nowhere in the Hill Country but an afterthought attached to a mall. Steve put it best when he said they drove up and all of them at once cried “What the Christ!?”.

My son has been taking classical guitar lessons for a couple of years and was absolutely entranced by Ed’s playing and the fact that he switched guitars for every song. Ed seemed to break a lot of strings during the concert. I suppose it had to do with the cold, who knows. Now my son is thinking of wanting to take up electric guitar also. We’ll see.

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