Happy Birfday to me.

11:03 pm on Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Today was my birthday. I’m officially legal. Twice over. It’s scary to think that people born when I graduated high school are now graduating high school. Makes you feel old.

My birthday is never an exciting affair, we did about the same thing we do every year.

We go get a Christmas Tree. I look forward to this. My birthday means the real start of Christmas around our place. It means the decorations come out. The house starts smelling like pine and presents start appearing. I think of my birthday as ‘our’ day.
Dinner was potstickers and my wife’s famous fried rice. She only makes it for special occasions so I badgered her into cooking some up. 🙂
We then went down to our favorite little hole in the wall game store and picked up a new card game. We are suckers for little off-the-wall games from small game companies. Someday I’ll have to post a pic of our game closet.

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