Carpal tunnel syndrome is no fun. Worker’s Comp is less fun.

7:30 pm on Saturday, February 17, 2007

Last Friday I got the official results of my Nerve Conduction Study. My doc confirmed the other doc’s diagnosis, severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. She suggested that sugery is the best way to fix it. I told her whatever she thought would make the pain and numbness go away is what I want to do.

She scheduled surgery for the 22nd with a pre-op appointment on the 16th. Great, I finally will get things fixed. Or so I thought. I got a call from the doc’s office Thursday afternoon saying that they had to cancel my pre-op appointment. The reason they gave is that the worker’s comp insurance company was taking their time deciding what to do.

Figures, that’s all they’ve been doing since the start. The numbness and pain have gotten progressively worse over the last 4 months. I now can’t sleep because the numbness and tingling is so bad. My right wrist is now as bad as my left ever was. I’m afraid to file a claim for it too because I know how big a pain in the ass it is. I guess that’s their plan, make it so annoyingly frustrating to file a claim that maybe you won’t.

Have you ever smashed your finger with a hammer or in a door? Imagine having that numb, throbbing feeling in all of your fingers except your pinky 24 hours a day. That’s me right now. Last night as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep I thought to myself

‘Hey, it’s not that tough a surgery, maybe if I get hopped up on Vicodin and find some local anesthetic I could do the cut myself.’

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