August 07, 2003

Arnold for prez? No, you idiots!

Ok, Schwarzenegger has said he's gonna run for gov of Kalifornia. Good for him. He can't be any worse than what they've got out there. What I'm getting tired of are these idiots on TV comparing him to Reagan. On CNN this morning I heard one of their talking heads say 'is the Whitehouse next?'. No! He can't run for prez! Read your freakin' Constitution, Article II, Section 1, folks. He is not a natural-born US citizen. He is ineligible. End of story.

I hope he does win. I know why others in the entertainment industry were trying to discourage his running. He leans right and they know he's got a good chance at winning.

Posted by Tony at August 7, 2003 10:54 AM | TrackBack