July 23, 2002

Going, going...

Well, we signed paperwork to sell our land in Liberty Hill last night. It closes at the end of August. It came after a long, hard debate. We had many second thoughts about selling it. We loved the property but right now we can really use the money. We'll be able to pay off all our debts and not have a monthly land payment and have a little left over to make ends meet. It takes a lot of pressure off of the job hunt because now we can make ends meet with unemployment and Shannon selling a bit on eBay. In the future we may again buy land out that way as it is our dream to own a few acres out-of-town but right now we need to consolidate.

Posted by Tony at 07:20 PM | TrackBack

July 03, 2002

Texas Flood

We had to run an errand down near San Antonio which took us through the areas that had major flooding over the last few days. The rains let up over night and we figured we could make the run if we took it slow and carefully. As we left Austin it started pouring again. Great. No biggie, it wasn't raining where we were headed. We took a shortcut along RR 165 and after 5 or so miles came to a road closed sign. We could see up ahead that the road was dry and went on. This happened a few times. Only once was there still water on the road and it was less than a foot and moving slow so we drove on through. When we got to the Blanco River though we got a feeling for the flooding. At this time of year it's normally a trickle. It was raging. If you look at this picture I'm standing at the high water mark 10 feet above the roof of our truck. The flood left branches stuck in the bottom of the bridge. Yes, we got a lot of rain.
The pic that is with this story if of the Guadalupe in flood the same day. For more pics of the flooding check out our photo album.

Posted by Tony at 11:23 PM | TrackBack

July 02, 2002

Rain, rain, go away...

...yeah, yeah, I know we need the rain and that we were like 9 inches behind normal but do we have to catch up all at once? It's been raining almost constantly for 5 days. At our place we've gotten about 6 inches of rain in that time. Our grass is just getting longer and longer which means I have to mow it. By this time of year we are not supposed to have to mow anymore. We had one downpour today that over loaded the gutters and storm drains so we had a creek going through our front and back yards. I took Moose out to play in the puddles and had a good time though. I didn't take him across the street to play in the flooding creek though. There has already been at least one person see fit to Auto-Darwinate themselves in these storms.

Posted by Tony at 01:56 PM | TrackBack

July 01, 2002

It was a dark and stormy night...

...and a new cache appeared on my 'Nearest Caches' page. I had been cooped up in the house for the last three days because of all the rain in Central Texas. I had to get out. That it was 10pm and raining made no difference. I packed up my GPSr and favorite flashlight, made sure I had spare batteries for both and headed out.
Click 'more' to read the rest of the story...

This tale was also posted on Creekbed.

Posted by Tony at 04:15 PM | TrackBack