August 21, 2003

Owie, owie, owie...

Had my arthroscopic surgery this morning. Got to the clinic around 8:00 and checked in. Signed all their paperwork and paid my co-pay. My portion was $100 of the $4K+ surgery. Thank God for health insurance. I had my I.V. put in and was wheeled into surgery. The anesthesiologist injected something to 'relax' me. After that I vaguely remember singing 'Jingle Bells' to the beat of my heart monitor. The nurses thought that was hilarious. I remember nothing after that. I have no idea how long the surgery lasted as I was unconscious. I think it was around 45 minutes. They gave me a scrip for painkillers and sent me home. The painkillers are great. One kills the pain. Two means nigh-night time. This surgery is much less painful than my last knee surgery. I think it's because the doc did an MRI and knew exactly where to go to fix it. My last doc did a lot more exploratory surgery and I think that caused a lot more swelling and along with that, pain. Hopefully this'll fix it for a bit and I'll be able to sleep soundly again.

BTW, can anyone explain the 'you gotta pee before you can leave' rule?

Posted by Tony at August 21, 2003 09:33 PM | TrackBack