December 09, 2003

pain and suffering...

Bought myself a new toy for my birthday last week, an 80GB External firewire drive. I thought it'd be really easy to hook and and use. My plan was/is to use it to backup my iBook and also store things on it from my Linux boxes. Should be easy right?

OS X and Linux are supposed to be able to read write FAT32. That's the one partition format they both share rw accessibility to. I hooked it up to the Linux box and formatted it as a nice big FAT32 partition. Linux reads/writes no problem. Cool. I write a few files to it and then hook it up to the iBook. "No partition found" it says, "Wanna initialize it?" Um, no, it's already been formatted. Ok, fine. I use the iBook to format it using 'diskutil' to make a MS-DOS partition. Cool. It how shows up as a FAT32 partition that I can read and write to. Move it back over to Linux box and it just stares at me. Shit. I do this for several hours with no success.

I gave up and drug the drive and the firewire card to work today to put in a GameOS box just to format a stinkin' drive. Nice...

My iPod is Playing: Race Car Ya-Yas from the album "Fashion Nugget" by Cake

Posted by Tony at December 9, 2003 02:17 PM | TrackBack