December 05, 2003

All legal again...

I took my Texas CHL renewal course last night. I passed of course. I shot a, for me, disappointing 248 out of 250 on the shooting test. I should never have dropped those two shots low and left by an inch. I know why it happened and won't let it happen again. I also did 96% on the written. Not too shabby I guess but I feel I should have aced it also.

If you are considering getting a CHL and live in the Austin area I greatly recommend Ross Bransford as an instructor. I've used him every time and he is a great teacher. He intersperses his own life experiences into the class. He really knows his stuff. He made the 5 hour renewal course fly by.

My iPod is Playing: Carol of the Bells from the album "A Fresh Aire Christmas" by Mannheim Steamroller

Posted by Tony at December 5, 2003 10:09 AM | TrackBack