December 06, 2003

Happy Birfday to me!

Yup, i've managed to reach almost a 1/3 of a century. Huh, who woulda thunk I'd last this long. Normally I'd celebrate it like I have every year since moving to Texas. A visit to one of my favorite places to hang out, Wimberly Glass Works. We aren't going this year because they've moved their yearly 'irregular' sale until January, after I talked to Tim, the owner, who said they weren't going to do that. I was rather upset. I've looked forward to my birthday every year since we've been here for that sale. We have been the first people in line for about 3 or 4 years now, showing up 2 hours or more before the doors opened. Just hanging out in what always seems to be freezing weather and talking to Tim about his year was a highlight. We'd hit the sale, then Wimberly Market Days, and for lunch we'd hit my favorite place in CenTex, The Saltlick for all-you-can-eat BBQ. We'll still be goin' down to The Saltlick but we'll skip WGW until next month I guess.

I've already gotten most of my presents from my family and myself. I bought myself an external firewire drive to backup my iBook quickly and easily. My wife gave me some John Cusak DVDs and my son gave me a figurine named 'Father and Son'. My sister gave me a giant LEGO minifig for my desk at work. The biggie and the one gift I've wanted for a long time but would never buy myself was from my parents. They gave me a poker chip set. Real clay poker chips, 11 gram weight, exactly like are used in Vegas. They feel so good in the hands and make and oh-so-satisfying clink when thrown in the pot. I guess it's time to start up Saturday night poker games again.

I'm gonna head to bed to sleep in as late as I want. In the morning, or afternoon depending on how late I sleep, I'll probably finish decorating the house for Christmas before we head out to dinner.

My iPod is Playing: Stille Nacht from the album "Christmas" by Mannheim Steamroller

Posted by Tony at December 6, 2003 12:57 AM | TrackBack